Mental Health has always had a stigma attached to it however I am glad to see that over the past few years more and more people are talking about their mental health experiences. #mentalhealth

The reason ‘A Day of Calm’ was born is due to my own mental health and episodes I have experienced over the years. The first time I experienced anxiety was after a relationship broke down and I experienced death as an adult for the first time, when my Nan passed away. During this hard time I couldn’t seem to control my #anxiety and ended up on anti-depressants and visited a counsellor. Although these issues are everyday life I still found I needed some help to cope. After 6 months I weened myself off the tablets as personally I didn’t want to rely on them.

Fast forward 7 years and I found myself back on tablets after my anxiety reared its head again. I spent some time speaking with a counsellor who certainly helped me however just before the COVID pandemic, I took the decision to speak with a Life Coach and after just 5 weeks I gained so much from it. I was so interested in what she had to say and left every session buzzing and ready to work to help myself. I wanted to learn and listen to all she told me. This was certainly the start of my new journey, the path which led me to ‘A Day of Calm’ and the path which I am still following today. Some days better than others but I am on the path to becoming a better version of myself. (#lifecoach #counselling #wellbeing )

‘ A Day of Calm’ was born with this aim in mind, I want to encourage everyone to realise that self-care is an essential part of daily life and is not selfish.

I am so exciting to be finally launching ‘A Day of Calm’ my dream a business where I can help others plus myself, one where I can always grow and a business I own and can manage my time around spending time with my fabulous family.

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