I feel we are all very good at doing things for everyone else but what about putting yourself first above your family and friends. Do you ever do this?

Why should we spend time on ourselves?

If we don’t ensure we are ok who is going to make sure we can deal with the struggles every day life throws at us. We need to ensure we are the best versions of ourselves to be able to support our family, be strong for our children and also to feel like ourselves. One thing that is evident more than ever during this pandemic is that every single one of us deserves some ‘me time’. It is so important to take time out of life and take time to relax and focus on yourself.

What is your calm?

Is there something you love to do but you never find the time to do it. Do you love having a warm soak in the bath, or reading a book, listening to a podcast or being creative. I urge you to put aside some time each day to concentrate on you and your loves or if you can manage more maybe a few hours a week. I truly believe that being true to yourself and your loves will make you a better person. It will create your own calm, a place where you can ensure you don’t loose yourself.

How to find your calm?

If you don’t have a love for anything then why not find something new. Find a local group you could join, learn a new skill, sign up for an online fitness group, train in something new or just take time to read those books you’ve never had the time to read.

It would be great to hear what makes you calm and how you incorporate this into your daily life.

(The image shows some hearts I painted and varnished for my Mum for mothers day, this is my happy place being creative)

#wellbeing #dailycalm #timeforyourself #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #takecareofyourself

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