Thank you for stopping by and reading my post about this challenge, although we are a week in there is still time to sign up and take part. I feel people believe that self-care has to be some grand gesture like having a spa day bit it really doesn’t, it can be 5 minutes each day just for you.

I created this challenge for a number of reasons

– To encourage you to start to put yourself first

– To show you that it is possible to start to find some time each day for you

– Not all self-care is focused around things just for you, there are things which can also help your family. For example, eating more fruit and veg, this will benefit your entire household if you are the cook.

– If you are a parents then this will show your kids that you are important. Show them that you need Mummy or Daddy time as much as they need their time. This will install good boundaries for them and their future.

The idea behind the tasks I have included in the challenge is to show you that it really is possible to change your habits and to include self-care into your daily life.

Why not download the challenge and see how you get on or if you would like to join my private Facebook group where I am running the challenge daily then please get in touch?

Either complete my contact page or message me via my social media pages.

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