A Day of Calm : Membership

£8.00 / month

‘The membership you can’t do without to help support your self-care and wellbeing’

The purpose behind the membership is to create a unique group for those who need some support in ensuring they start to put themselves first each month. Filling their cup to ensure they can be the best version of themselves for their loved ones.



‘The membership you can’t do without to help support your self-care and wellbeing’

This membership is like no other as it is created by someone who needs this as much as you do. As a busy Mum who holds this passion inside her to help others this unique membership is her answer to supporting you in your journey to develop skills to help you become a happier version of yourself. Giving you the skills to ensure your cup is filled so that you can be the best version of you for your loved ones.

The membership will be run, from a private Facebook group, which will mean you will be able to read the posts in your own time and will be able to complete the tasks at your own pace.

Each month I will reveal a new theme which will be the main focus for that month. Within the month you will receive content which is just for the membership. Their will be FREE workbooks, live Q&A’s, talks from external experts, weekly quotes and daily posts. You will also be the first to know about any new A Day of Calm products we release, plus flash sales, discounts, and further offers.

The monthly theme will sit alongside our monthly subscription box which you can either sign up to on a monthly or bi-monthly basis or you can treat yourself to a box as and when you’d like to.

The purpose of the membership is to be affordable and accessible for everyone.

If you have any further questions about the membership then please email me via the contact page or message me via facebook or instagram.


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