The ‘A Day of Calm’ concept was born out of my own well-being and realising that I had to start to put myself first. Having dealt with anxiety a number of times over the years and not really having the tools to help myself. My aim is to create a number of concepts through ‘A Day of Calm’ which will help everyone become the best version of themselves.

Over the years I have dipped my toe into various wellbeing concepts but it wasn’t until lock down that I actually started to listen to the way I felt and actually started to put myself first. I am working on myself daily to ensure I can be the best version of myself so will be taking this journey with you all.

As the founder of ‘A Day of Calm’ I wanted to introduce myself, so here goes, I promise I will always be honest, sometimes maybe even too honest but this is me so I hope that you enjoy learning about the voice behind ‘ADOC’.

My name is Charlotte, I am Mum to a 4-year-old boy who is my world. Having always wanted kids, my dream finally came true at the age of 37, being classed as a Geriatric mother when I gave birth did wonders for my confidence but I didn’t care once I had my little boy in my arms. Ethan has been my focus since he was born but along with working for our family business and also trying to build ADOC, life became so hectic that I felt burnt out. If I hadn’t decided to stop when I did then my body would have made me stop.

One way I hope that I can help other Mums is my understanding of having a child with a condition which effects daily life. Ethan has eczema, he has suffered since he was around 4 months old. We have constant up’s and downs with his skin, we have daily worries to ensure we do all we can to keep it manageable. We have been through some real hard times, we never get a full night’s sleep and then there is the constant worry of when will it flare up again and what you can do to prevent this happening. Unfortunately,  it is out of our control as there is no easy answer as to what causes it and it is not curable so we are learning daily how to manage it. It doesn’t help that Ethan is so strong willed but then I wouldn’t have him any other way.

My past experiences, during daily life and work has given me so many amazing life skills which I can use to develop myself and my business.

I thrive on planning events, organising all the tiny details, ensuring that however small or big the event is; it has to be perfect. Some might say my events are a well-oiled machine but if I am putting myself out there to plan an event I have to ensure it will not fail. During my working career I have planned ‘Press Days’ for the UK press, Charity Golf Days, a 25 Obstacle Course Event, an Alice in Wonderland themed summer party, plus I have had the opportunity to run Weddings at an amazing Cambridgeshire Wedding Venue. As well as my career events I am always putting myself forward to plan friends or family parties and events. I feel so much joy when helping with events and love to bring together all of the little bits for events. As a creative individual I love to create personalised gifts, party bags, games and so on. If you would like to hear more about my events life please visit my personal blog here.

As my tag line suggests my aim for ‘A Day of Calm’ is to help people become the best version of themselves. This might be from signing up to my monthly subscription boxes, or purchasing one of my one off gifts boxes for yourself or as a gift. Or you might prefer to attend one of my events; the aim of these days is for you to learn which areas of wellbeing are for you. It is also an opportunity for you to enjoy a full day of self-care. Finally, you might like to sign up for my coaching courses. To find out more about this opportunity please email me.

Having suffered from anxiety episodes over a number of years, I hold this strong passionate to ensure ‘A Day of Calm’ becomes a success. I feel my calling is to help people along with helping myself, and so this is what I am meant to do.

I do hope that you will enjoy following me on my journey and will enjoy learning about how ‘A Day of Calm’ can help you!