Why do we find self-love so hard? We have always been bought up to ensure everyone else is ok and we always do our upmost to ensure our loved ones are happy and looked after but what about loving yourself?

Happiness starts from within and from you loving yourself, without this inner belief we can never be truly content. Always comparing ourselves to others, how they act, how they look, how successful they are, how confident they are. Asking continuous questions, why can’t I be like that, why can’t I be that confident, how do they manage to feel so good?

I am currently taking my self-love coaching certification and so will be sharing key tips as I learn how you can help yourself to develop self-love but, in the meantime, here are a few tips to help you on your journey.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others, no-one is the same. You are unique and be proud of that.
  • Don’t worry about what others think about you and please don’t worry about what society thinks or expects of you.
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes and if you do, don’t be harsh on yourself. It is only human to make mistakes.
  • Remember your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks. Wear what makes you feel confident, comfortable and happy. Be proud of your individual style.
  • Always protect your own energy! Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people you have in your life.
  • Trust yourself to make the best decisions for you. Only you know what you really want and how you feel.
  • Always put yourself first. This is so incredibly important and never feel bad about doing this.
  • Always be Kind to yourself. Speak kindly to yourself, celebrate yourself and always talk to yourself as you would those you love. We can be our own worst critic but we wouldn’t speak to others the way we speak to ourselves so why do we do it?
  • See beauty in the simple things. Spend time each day seeing the beauty in life, this might just be the sun shining on your face, or the breeze in your hair, walking to school hand in hand with your kids, listening to the birds sing. It really can be anything. Being grateful daily really can help put life into perspective.

There are so many amazing articles around which talk about Self-love and so do google if you would like to find out more. Or in time I will be able to help you once I have completed my self-love coaching certification.

If you would like to hear the news first then please sign up to my mailing list.

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