I am extremely proud to have completed my first ever FREE 30 Day self-care challenge. To be completely honest I have never done anything like this before but as someone who loves to give back and help others I wanted to create a challenge which would encourage those in the group to start to think about putting themselves. Although the challenge has flown by and some may not have completed the full 30 days I feel that it has been a success. The feedback I am receiving is extremely positive and helpful so that when I create my next FREE challenge I can ensure it is exactly what my clients would like.

If you didn’t get chance to do the challenge but would like to get involved in my next one then please do sign up to my newsletter or follow me on social media so you are aware of what’s coming next.

You can still download the challenge and do this in your own time. I will also be offering the full 30 Day Self-Care Challenge as a download in time so please get in touch if you would like to learn more.

As a thank you to those ladies in my private Facebook group and the effort they put into this challenge I created a bonus 7 Day challenge which finishes today. Every day there was a small competition and so tomorrow is the announcement of who has WON some A Day of Calm goodies.

Please find the 7 day challenge below if you would prefer to start with a smaller challenge.

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