I was so proud when the company who printed my box asked if they could do a case study on their website. Please read the article below or visit their website via the link below…

The below mood board is where their business concept came from. Their aim was to create a business which helped individuals focus on becoming a better version of themselves. Making them aware that it is ok to put themselves first, in fact, it is essential.

Charlotte worked closely with the designer ‘Laura May Designs’ to create both box designs. She wanted a concept which, when it arrived on your doormat, you felt calm, loved and excited to open them. The purpose of the design was to encourage those who received them to keep the designs as they can be used to store various items. She also wanted them to be part of the theme so they could be coloured in and used as a mindfulness task to help focus their mind and give them some self-care time.

Their target market is mainly Mums who never seem to have enough time for them. By investing in the brand new Subscription box, they receive a little slice of heaven for them each month. Or maybe they have been given one of our gift boxes as a treat from a loved one. Every box they create is filled with UK-based brands, and everything used to package and post them in is recyclable.

We spoke with Charlotte with regard to her custom box journey and whether they had received any customer feedback:

We have received some fabulous feedback about the box designs and how beautiful they are; even when posting them, the post office lady commented how it made her want to order one.

Laura, the designer behind box designs, commented; ‘’I love working with independent brands, and I was very excited when Charlotte contacted me to work on this project. We discussed the brief and decided mandalas, florals, and butterflies were the perfect imagery to portray calm and mindfulness. The Day of Calm colour palette looks great on the natural board, and I was really happy to see the end product’’.

It was hard to find a company with the right-sized boxes and one which was able to print small quantities to start with. Kilby were so supportive and offered excellent customer care throughout the process of ordering both boxes. Having never ordered anything like this before, they made it very easy.

Going forward, I have a number of ideas about how I can develop the brand as I grow with smaller sized boxes and maybe larger ones. Each sized box would be a different design, so please keep an eye out for what’s to come next.


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